Thursday, June 21, 2012


I can't wait tell Whispers at Moonrise by C.C. Hunter is out. It's is going to be so awesome, but why does it have to be such a long wait. I mean, it's torturing me that I'm not gonna get it till October. I'm going to sob for about five months until this book gets out. WWWWHHHHHHHYYYYYYY???
For those who are interested in this book, it comes out October 2, 2012. If you're not interested, well, your crazy, because this series kicks butt.

However, if you've never read it before you should know that the series starts out with Born at Midnight.
 You know what, here are some links that lead to places you can buy the books from. Also, a link to the authors website at the bottom. The links should work, but I bet you know how much technology can be a pain in the ass.
  Barnes and Noble
Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls Series #1)
Then again you may not be at the beginning of the series. You may be getting ready for Moonrise just like I am, so here are some links for them. Bonvoyage, chicas and chicos. 
Barnes and Noble

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm really excited right now. The newest book in Chloe Neill's Chicagoland Vampire Series will be out in about three months. OMG! I don't know why I just used that abbreviation. Maybe I'm crazy- both possible and probable. Still it's a pretty amazing thing The only question is why the wait has to be so long. I mean really- THREE MONTHS. I wanna CRH-Hy-hy...
So, in other news. I recently improved a song about beans. Why you ask? Well why not?
This past Saturday I got sick while on a trip with my choir. My school is doing Legally Blonde as a musical for next year. And also, my teacher got interviewed for a news article. In the video there was a communist flag behind her. Whoops!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New Prologue

Sorry I'm so late, but school has become a tick on my back- it's sucking the life out of me.
Anyway, this is a prologue idea I have for my newest book idea. The books title is In Front of Me.

My name... that's what you want to know? Out of everything I can tell you, out of every mystery I can solve, the first thing you want me to tell you is my name? But why?

What will that solve? Will it tell you anything about me now that you know my name? Will it tell you about how I came to be here or how I came to know about my life, or how I came to know that I had a choice to say no?

If it will then I'll tell you. But first- know that with my name comes a story. A story about who I am, how I came to be. A story that will destroy the world you know and choose to believe in.

And also, know that I don't have a name. 

What? You want me to give you one? Fine then.............My
And this is where it all began. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Now if Only the Yammering Would Stop

So, last Thursday I was in my schools debate room. My brother makes me wait there for him so we can meet and go home. Well, that day the debate teacher asked me if I wanted to go to the meet- which was the very next day. There were several problems with this:
  1. I've never debated in my life.
  2. I'm a horrible speaker.
  3. I get home sick very easily.
So of course I said yes.
Needless to say, I lost all my rounds.
But my weekend got even better.
The hotel we stayed in looked like a setting from a horror movie. I was afraid to take a shower because I thought blood would come out of the faucet. Then, Saturday- while we were still at the debate- I found out the reason i was feeling so dizzy throughout my morning rounds:
I had a fever. 
Oh life- what will you throw at me next?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Oh, The Happy Times!!

I haven't blogged for so long. Why, you ask? That's because I forgot my account password. Anyway, I've got something to blog now.
So first things first, last Tuesday I had a choir concert. Did you know that the robes make you so hot you feel like you're about to pass out? It's very uncomfortable. Secondly, last week my music teacher came to class after her Chamber Choirs Secret Santa gift exchange. They have three exchanges and the first one is a gag gift. So since it was the first time that's exactly what she was expecting: a gag gift. What she got was a little brown ball. She didn't  know what it was at first, but there was a note with the package saying that it was someone's first time making this. Anyway she looked it up, and it turned out that it was a ball of dirt. Like an actual smushed together ball of dirt. It felt like a rock, but it was a  BALL OF DIRT. You've got to be real creative to come up with that idea my friends.
Anyway,  I also under went a whole heap of stress this pass week from having to finish a poetry analysis and having to finish a rough draft for a history paper. Fun, right? NOT!!!
Anyway, to make me feel better I decided to think about happy times- a.k.a. third grade. In third grade things seemed so easy. So how did I recreate the third grade, you ask. Well I simply looked up t.v. shows that I watched back then. Did you know that Winx Club had movies? I sure as Hades didn't. It was so wierd. Anyway, Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Car Jumping

A few weeks ago my brother was driving me home from school. While at a stop light, I noticed that our mom was in front of us. Now normally my brother takes thirty to forty minutes getting us home because he drops his friends off too. However, this annoyed me. So what did I do you ask? Why, I grabbed my stuff, jumped out of the car, and ran over to get in my moms.
Some people only think, but I act too.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hypocrites and

You know what bothers me most in this world? Hypocrites.
Like the guy who reads a book and says that if the loner main character was real, he'd be friends with him. Five minutes later he is sitting directly next to huh(gasp) an actual living loner. So if we cancel out the variables, we get a NEW HYPOCRITE. figures. Society's so low the only thing we can do nowadays is eat, sleep, reproduce and become jacka****.
Another thing, why is it we say that men and women are equal when women have painful puberty, and have to go through child birth, which is just as painful. Men should have to go through something painful once a month too. I have a solution to this problem, though. Once a month, all men in the world must pluck all  of the hairs in their legs out, one-by-one. Now that's what I call equality.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Random Point

Things that have happened since school began:

  • I held a snake.
  • I got braces.
  • I sold cookies. 
  • I told my brother he was a horrible, detestable person with no conscience.
  • I have read "Life of Pi".
  • I did the Hammertime.
  • I stared at a wall.
This is why I have not blogged lately. If something interesting happened, I would tell you- nothing has though.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Babies Come From Armpits

So funny thing about people: they like to procrastinate. I am a person, which means I procrastinate about writing - even on my own blog. Anyway, school started up. In math we do nothing, along with biology and history. Drama rocks however, and so does choir. However, my favorite class would have to be English. In English we've started our unit over mythology. Anyway, we're going through creation stories. Mine involved a girl getting kicked into a hole in the sky,  all the land being on top of a giant turtle, and a woman who gave birth to twins after being impregnated by the west wind, but one twin came out through her armpit and killed her. Yeah.