Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ridiculous Board Games

So, my science teacher has his students every year make a board game that goes over one of the books we learned from throughout the year. I decided to make mine over the Astronomy section. This was my favorite one. However, he did not tell us what to put on the chance cards that go with them. So, I would like to list some of my favorite chance cards that I made up.
  • Invented Portal Gun. Go forward 9 spaces.
  • Sang "So Long and Thanks For All the Fish".Go forward 20 spaces.
  • Destroyed brother's doomsday device. Go forward 10 spaces. 
  • Brother reinvents doomsday device. He kills you. Go back to start and wait until end of game to move.
Those are my favorites. And for those who don't know the song "So Long and Thanks For All the Fish", it' from Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

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