Saturday, April 30, 2011

Boredom and Recreational Sports

So, yesterday I went to my step-cousins birthday party. They have this trampoline in their backyard and we all got a chance to get on it. Well, when my stepmother got on, we all told her to flop down on her butt, then, when the trampoline bounced her back up, to land on her feet. She, however, did not know how to, and got ready to, then refused to. If you saw how it was that she did it though you would be laughing too. Unfortunately, I couldn't get her to give me the recording of it me and my stepbrother made. Sorry.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Destruction of the Witch Queen

I wonder if in Narnia, the Ice Witch actually felt anything or was just some psychopathic freeloader. If she was only the freeloader, than she and my brother should get together sometime. He has no empathy for any living being it seems, and the fact that he's in college and lives with my dad doesn't help his case.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Book Entrance

On my first day I may write part of my book on here, which is why I've decided now might be a good time for a good entrance to it. I can't say much about it right now, for my summary's still blurry, but let's give you at least the intro. My main three characters will all have their own openings to the book. This is the girl's part.

I don't remember how it was I died. I don't remember my name either. I don't remember who I was, or why I cared, or what my importance of being was. I just remember that I was. 
I was a being. I was alive. I was me. But most importantly, I was someone's reason for living. But in the end, aren't we all...

It's not complete or edited. However, it is my story. Tell me what you think, and what you think the story's about.

Oh, the Chocolate

So, today my brother and I got into a fight over chocolate. Why, you ask? Because I was acting like a childish moron. Not that that's any different than other kids my age. Also, at school we debated over the Dred Scott. Get this, they said the slave was not free just to spite me. It is so wrong to do that, that I thought about pouring hot cider on their heads.
In other news, my choir is performing a song for our contest called Benedicamus Domino, which is Latin for something about praising God. Problem is, it is a song meant for people 9 years ahead of me. Brilliant teach, just brilliant. My dad is skipping out on my choir concert so he can go on a trip to Utah next month. It's as if he's never there when it actually seems to matter the most. Especially since I'm part of a quintet in the song.
The only good news about my day was that I didn't interact with O-Dear religious persecuter.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Idiot of the Religious

So, today I got into a fight with a girl who I considered my friend. She is such a religious snob. According to her, all people who don't consider Jesus their savior, are automatically going to Hell.
One, I don't care what she says. If that's what she thinks, then she's already already sinned. So sweetheart, see you and your sweet little Morgan,  Garris, and Quack there.
Two, all those who believe that all those who aren't Christian are going to hell obviously don't realize that the savior was JEWISH. JEWISH. Those poor vindictive, manipulative frauds, obviously didnb't pay attention in Bible School.
And Three, your judged on what you do, not whether or not you are some stupid religion.
So my dear Liz, here's my advice to you :

Shut up, listen, and actually have some common sense for once in your life.
Of course, it's not like she actually listen, because everytime I speak, all she thinks is your wrong, your wrong, your wrong. So in the end what's the point in trying. After all, I'm pretty sure in her opinion I'm not worth a load of crap. Whatever, if she wants to block out everything I say let her. After all I'M NOT WORTH IT.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Look up on youtube animal beatbox. It's this video that one first place in this competition in Austrailia. Also, there is a poll at the bottom of this page, and your welcome to respond to it.

Home and Boredom

So, my brothers are down stairs playing video games. Sometimes I think that his brain has been fried by aliens. Or government controlled brain experiments. Anyway, Portal 2 has just come out and I've got Cake is a Lie stuck in my mind. This happens to make me think of my brother, who when was supposed to reasons down for his band teacher to for becoming section leader, put unquenchable thirst for power. Why, you ask. Because he's a nut job. I love him anyway though.
Anyway, I loved this movie so I thought I'd bring it to my blog. See you soon.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Day

So a few things you may want to know about me:
  • I speak English.
  • I am obsessed with books.
  • I am middle class, so don't expect anything glamorous.
  • I am a singer.
  • I want a be a journalist someday.
Also, I love the rain. Since I do want to be an author, every now and then I may write a poem or part a short story. Don't get your hopes up if I forget though. So sit back and join my life.

Reasons for Living

Hello, and welcome to my new blog. For privacy reasons, I'm not going to say what my real name is, however if you must speak to me, my name is either Echo or Grace. These names I've picked out because they represent me.