Monday, April 25, 2011

Idiot of the Religious

So, today I got into a fight with a girl who I considered my friend. She is such a religious snob. According to her, all people who don't consider Jesus their savior, are automatically going to Hell.
One, I don't care what she says. If that's what she thinks, then she's already already sinned. So sweetheart, see you and your sweet little Morgan,  Garris, and Quack there.
Two, all those who believe that all those who aren't Christian are going to hell obviously don't realize that the savior was JEWISH. JEWISH. Those poor vindictive, manipulative frauds, obviously didnb't pay attention in Bible School.
And Three, your judged on what you do, not whether or not you are some stupid religion.
So my dear Liz, here's my advice to you :

Shut up, listen, and actually have some common sense for once in your life.
Of course, it's not like she actually listen, because everytime I speak, all she thinks is your wrong, your wrong, your wrong. So in the end what's the point in trying. After all, I'm pretty sure in her opinion I'm not worth a load of crap. Whatever, if she wants to block out everything I say let her. After all I'M NOT WORTH IT.

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