Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oh, the Chocolate

So, today my brother and I got into a fight over chocolate. Why, you ask? Because I was acting like a childish moron. Not that that's any different than other kids my age. Also, at school we debated over the Dred Scott. Get this, they said the slave was not free just to spite me. It is so wrong to do that, that I thought about pouring hot cider on their heads.
In other news, my choir is performing a song for our contest called Benedicamus Domino, which is Latin for something about praising God. Problem is, it is a song meant for people 9 years ahead of me. Brilliant teach, just brilliant. My dad is skipping out on my choir concert so he can go on a trip to Utah next month. It's as if he's never there when it actually seems to matter the most. Especially since I'm part of a quintet in the song.
The only good news about my day was that I didn't interact with O-Dear religious persecuter.

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