Sunday, December 18, 2011

Oh, The Happy Times!!

I haven't blogged for so long. Why, you ask? That's because I forgot my account password. Anyway, I've got something to blog now.
So first things first, last Tuesday I had a choir concert. Did you know that the robes make you so hot you feel like you're about to pass out? It's very uncomfortable. Secondly, last week my music teacher came to class after her Chamber Choirs Secret Santa gift exchange. They have three exchanges and the first one is a gag gift. So since it was the first time that's exactly what she was expecting: a gag gift. What she got was a little brown ball. She didn't  know what it was at first, but there was a note with the package saying that it was someone's first time making this. Anyway she looked it up, and it turned out that it was a ball of dirt. Like an actual smushed together ball of dirt. It felt like a rock, but it was a  BALL OF DIRT. You've got to be real creative to come up with that idea my friends.
Anyway,  I also under went a whole heap of stress this pass week from having to finish a poetry analysis and having to finish a rough draft for a history paper. Fun, right? NOT!!!
Anyway, to make me feel better I decided to think about happy times- a.k.a. third grade. In third grade things seemed so easy. So how did I recreate the third grade, you ask. Well I simply looked up t.v. shows that I watched back then. Did you know that Winx Club had movies? I sure as Hades didn't. It was so wierd. Anyway, Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Car Jumping

A few weeks ago my brother was driving me home from school. While at a stop light, I noticed that our mom was in front of us. Now normally my brother takes thirty to forty minutes getting us home because he drops his friends off too. However, this annoyed me. So what did I do you ask? Why, I grabbed my stuff, jumped out of the car, and ran over to get in my moms.
Some people only think, but I act too.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hypocrites and

You know what bothers me most in this world? Hypocrites.
Like the guy who reads a book and says that if the loner main character was real, he'd be friends with him. Five minutes later he is sitting directly next to huh(gasp) an actual living loner. So if we cancel out the variables, we get a NEW HYPOCRITE. figures. Society's so low the only thing we can do nowadays is eat, sleep, reproduce and become jacka****.
Another thing, why is it we say that men and women are equal when women have painful puberty, and have to go through child birth, which is just as painful. Men should have to go through something painful once a month too. I have a solution to this problem, though. Once a month, all men in the world must pluck all  of the hairs in their legs out, one-by-one. Now that's what I call equality.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Random Point

Things that have happened since school began:

  • I held a snake.
  • I got braces.
  • I sold cookies. 
  • I told my brother he was a horrible, detestable person with no conscience.
  • I have read "Life of Pi".
  • I did the Hammertime.
  • I stared at a wall.
This is why I have not blogged lately. If something interesting happened, I would tell you- nothing has though.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Babies Come From Armpits

So funny thing about people: they like to procrastinate. I am a person, which means I procrastinate about writing - even on my own blog. Anyway, school started up. In math we do nothing, along with biology and history. Drama rocks however, and so does choir. However, my favorite class would have to be English. In English we've started our unit over mythology. Anyway, we're going through creation stories. Mine involved a girl getting kicked into a hole in the sky,  all the land being on top of a giant turtle, and a woman who gave birth to twins after being impregnated by the west wind, but one twin came out through her armpit and killed her. Yeah.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Communists and Surgery

So, I'll be starting my freshman year at Central High School in September. The other day I went there for what can be considered an orientation. Now they introduced to a few things while I was there, one being the clubs that they have. Funny thing about them- I looked at the list and noticed they were missing one in particular- a club called Red Union. You see, last year to mock his history teacher, my brother started a club called Red Union to mock Soviet Union. How you may ask? It was a communist club. Needless to say my brother now has followers- along with one worried little sister.
Besides this communist club, I also had a dentist appointment upon my return. Guess who needs surgery? Hey, afterwards everyone's welcome to come read my loopy comments. Won't that be flattering.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Were All Going to Hell Today

Anyone know the expression "Go to Hell". Well, the thing is that there actually is a Hell- Hell, Norway. So when someone's telling you to go to Hell, they're actually telling you to go to Norway. So if you can, avoid using expressions like that for those in your life who take things you say literally.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Staring Through the Screen Into His Soul

Okay, my brother is an obsessive game player. Meaning, that he plays it so much, that sometimes I think he's going to get kidnapped by Dr. Lamb from Bioshock 2. Sometimes I even think that those fake, unrealistic characters know my brother better than I do. He was probably been brainwashed by Ganandorf when he was a kid, so now he's cursed to live in the virtual reality, imprisoned there to keep from excessively revealing the secrets of the game to random people. Good news though- he admitted he had a problem last week. He's taken the first step to breaking the curse.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Destruction of Diginity

In 1 week I'll be going to see my nana. Now I love her and all- but think she's trying to ruin me, because ,here's the thing- she wants me to wear a dress. I don't do dresses- not now, not in ten years, not EVER. Dresses are sissy applications created by the male sex to make women appear ensuperior. Sure, they'll sometimes make you look hotter- they probably also antagonize a lot more people, and lead to sexual assault.
So, to show my disgust for the indignities of this  tradition, I am now going to list four societal indignities that we all put up with in this age.

  • Being on your cell phone at dinner- what, you can't put away your phone for five minutes to listen to your wife and kids.
  • Man boobs- either hit the gym or cut the crap, we sure don't your guy boobs hanging out.
  • People using the word "Jew" , as an insult to others- this isn't WWII people, and not everyone out there is a Hitler fanatics. If you are, get help, cause your in love with serial killing psychopath.( This subject can also be carried on for the persecution of gays, African Americans, etc.)
  • And finally, cheating on your spouses, fiances, and dates- if they're abusive bastards, sure, go ahead. Otherwise, suck it up people. They can say " Screw it, their goat dung" just like you can.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Iowan Quaker Convention

For the past week, I've been off touring colleges with my brother and grandparents. The most notable part of our trip was when we went to Iowa. In Iowa there is a very pretentious and expensive college called Grinell, which is where we were touring. Originally, that part of the trip was so strange, because since there was so much corn, he decided to start calling Iowa corn, and the corn, Iowa. However, the most memorable part of the WHOLE trip, was when we went on our tour of Grinell.
You see, the thing is, while we were there, the college was hosting a Quaker Convention. Interesting, isn't it. Anyway, we had entered the commons, and while our guide was explaining the club options, I noticed this person behind him walking. They had shoulder length black hair, and were wearing a dress, which would have been find and all, if they had been a girl. Long story short, the Quakers are very accepting people and we should all take a good example from them.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Oh to the Video Games

So here's the thing- my brother's a hypocrite. No not just a hypocrite. THE hypocrite of the friggin century. You see, my brother won't allow me to M rated games until I reach a certain age- an age he says that he started playing these games at. Funny thing is, I ALREADY REACHED THAT AGE. Isn't he sweet darlings. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't know that even though he says I can't watch him play the games to prevent me from seeing "violent images", I can find everything I want on the internet. Idiot. Gotta hand it to him, he really didn't think this one through.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Reverse Affect

I was watching Linkin Park's video "What I've Done", and I started thinking about the Golden Rule. Then this whole idea came to me. This idea that in death, all the cruelty, the pollution, the wrong things you've done in life- they'll come back to you and, you'll have to go through them yourself. A punishment that would be extremely fitting. So, if that's the case, we should probably all try to be good people, right? And that's just the thing- no one realizes how much damage we're really doing to this world. You may be one of those people that wants to be thinner, and you never really realize that while you're wasting all that food, somewhere in Africa, or Afghanistan, or maybe Peru, a child, a grandparent, a brother, a sister, a mother, a father- they're starving feeding they're families, keeping them alive while they suffer. While you go off and trash the Earth, the drinking water we pollute will be drunk by a thirsty cow, or bathed in by a small child- maybe even drunk by a pregnant woman.
 We are killing these people through our selfish ways. We are all killers. We are all hypocrites. We are all wrong.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dear Blank Please Blank

Today I got on a website called Dear Blank Please Blank. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. My favorite one was " Dear society,
I wish more people cared about the earth as much as they care about who created it.

Friday, June 17, 2011


So, the thing is, I'm not a lazy person, I just haven't gotten the books until now, but I'm finally getting to read the fifth Harry Potter book. Problem is, I've gotta finish these before the 7th part 2 movie comes out. Brilliant, isn't it.Anyway, I'm writing to you from health class today. We're in the computer lab again. You know, most teachers actually care that you waste time and electricity, but apparently not the summer school ones. Besides that, I learned a new texting trick. Whenever anyone asks you if you're okay, reply potassium, because on the periodic table, potassium stands for K. YEAH POTASSIUM!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Board Game Curriculum

So today we resorted to playing board games. The catch was we had to pretend we had a certain mental illness. My first one was passive- aggressive, the second one was bipolar disorder. So, as you can imagine I wasn't acting very happy. But later, when I had vocal lessons, I told my teacher that do to the long wait to begin lessons, and the lack of water, I had developed multiple- personality disorder. So it wasn't me that was coming to practice with her, it was my long lost twin sister from Slovakia, Ulga. Too bad it didn't work. Oh, well.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


So, I am again writing from health class. My teacher doesn't really care what I do it appears. Anyway, today we learned about NAMI- an organization that supplies funds for people with mental illnesses, and helps others to understand about those who are mentally handicap. So, the thing is they accept donations, so why not give a donation to them, after all depression is a supposedly a symptom of mental illnesses, and we all feel depressed at one point or another. I beleive the web address is .

Besides this information I would like to tell you alittle bit about my summer school. Nothing. Ever. Happens. Yesterday we made a collage, today were writing up random things. My brother asked me yesterday if I learned anything here, and I have. Summer. School. Sucks. Yipee- cai- yeah.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer School= Loose Rules

Right now I'm typing from a computer lab in summer school. Why, you ask? They don't care.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Blah Blah Blah

Today I had my vocal recital. Before we perform, our music teacher comes and tells us how it goes. This is what happened. ( We're going to pretend my name for this is Joy Trok:

"Now all you have to do is walk up to the microphone, introduce yourself, then begin your piece. When I say introduce yourself, I mean tell them your name and the name of your song. So 'Hi, I'm blah blah blah, and I'll be playing blah blah blah." And if you say my name is blah blah blah, and I'll be playing blah blah blah Joy Trok I'll smack your hide."

That isn't word for word but it's close enough.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Just So You Know..

You are welcome to comment, you know. It would be very helpful to me.

The Ironic Thing

So today was my school districts last day of school. So, now all I get to do is sit and relax... for two days. The thing is, I have to go to summer school to get rid of some high school credits for gym and health. Booorrrrriiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggggg! Bright side: I only have two classes a day. Biggest downside: I'm going to working out in 100 degree weather. Fantastic. Just fantastic.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Time Guardian

So, I'm going to write a little bit more of what I want in my book. So, here's the time guardians entrance:

"What's going to happen to them?" asked Maddie. She didn't know it yet, but she would play a major roll in what would happen.
"They're going to die, but then they're going to live." responded a deep voice. As Maddie turned, she could make out his form, though not much, because he still hovered in darkness. His eyes were a deep onyx color, his hair the color of the night. He had high cheek bones, his shaggy hair creeping off of it and down his neck, and a square jaw line. He was at least 6"4" and had muscle, but not the obsessive body builder type. He was simply handsome. But not as handsome as Harton, Maddie thought. "I want you to take care of her."
"Of who?"
"Una- her name means remember." He points to the glass pool in front of him. Instead of a reflection, she saw a grirl with hair that shifted from silver in the summer, to black in the winter. Her complexion soft, a heart shaped face, and her extremely light green eyes shining out from her face. She had the look of a healer of the heavens, what with her face, slight build, and a height of easily 5"9". " She will be the new oracle." With that he left, leaving  Maddie staring wide- eyed at the girl.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Depressing Circumstances

I live near Joplin, and it's so sad to see what's happened to them. Imagine one day having a home, a life, friends, then having it ripped from your grasp in less than an hour. Some lost their lives, some lost their homes, and some lost everything they know. I think the thing that a person needs to remember mostly at these times, is that your never alone, the sun will rise tomorrow, and no matter how long it takes, you will get back the things that have been taken from you. Sometimes it's your family, but what you have to remember is that everyone is your family.
I ask that you donate to the Convoy of Hope to help relieve those who've lost their homes and families in Joplin, if only to relieve some of their burden.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Buzz's Spanish Mode

So, I was watching "Toy Story 3", and during it you see Buzz's Spanish mode. So I'm wondering, if a Mexican toy had a "Spanish" mode, what language would it be? I'm thinking German or English.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Rapture Day

There's a problem with this statement though, because I'm still here, and your still here... so.... someone got something wrong. Nothing really new, except my brother being a psychotic ass. Here's the thing, these boys who he says picked on him in high school, are apparently in trouble, so instead of being the bigger man, my brother's going to make everything worse for them. How you ask? Making a group that will blame these people for doing things they didn't really do. This is why I don't get along with my brothers.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nothing new today. The music department at my school went to an amusement park, I got ice cream, and the bad feeling in my stomach came back. I sort of got in a fight with my teacher. She said something really obnoxious in a really obnoxious way. Figures. The one teacher I like this year, and she hates me. Oh well- there's always next year.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Feeling

Sometimes I get these feelings in my stomach or I'll get these weird dreams. Sometimes these dreams will give me deja vu later, later because the thing is its like I saw things before they happen. However, the feelings in my stomach I get before something's about to happen. The first that I can remember them occurring is about a year ago. My mom was going on a trip to visit my grandparents at Christmas time. Before the trip I got this feeling that I may never see her again. When she was passing through Oklahoma, a snow storm was passing through the area. During the trip her car stopped at a certain point because the snow was too high. In front of her was a ditch. She'd almost crashed.
The second time I felt it, it was more of an urge. I just felt I needed to call my nana, so I did. For some reason I just felt I had to do this everyday, and I did all the way into summer. Three weeks after I  started, she stopped picking up the phone. My dad called her when I started to become worried. She was in the hospital.
This morning I woke up when it was still dark.The feeling was back. Now I'm worried what's going to happen. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Today at lunch, my friends and I were making air quotes around phrases to make them more perverted. I'd put some of them on here, but we'd probably get arrested for them.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Book Ideas

I figure I need to write another preview of my book ideas. This one is from the point of view of one of the main male characters, somewhere around the middle of the book. Enjoy.

The voice was a thousand glass shards stabbing into me. It felt as if I was going to die in agony from the very sound of it. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe... I couldn't think. All I could do was feel the voice echoing off the a surface of air. No not air. Space, just plain space. This must be the feeling of death.


Today we started finals at my school. It's going to take forever, in my opinion. But it's not going to take as long as I'm going to take annoying my brother for leaving the bedroom doors open why'll we were gone at school, with a dog who'd just ate in the house that has no supervision. Long story short, he went in moms room. Other long story short, not my fault or problem.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Banana Smoothie Myth

So, today my brothers and I took my mom out to celebrate Mother's Day tomorrow. It was a Mexican restaurant, and my brother wanted the recipe for the salsa. Well, at Christmas, my brothers both got magic bullets, and my mom was talking about how the recipe book that came with them had good recipes for smoothies as well as salsa. My oldest brother then proceeded to tell us that the banana smoothies I like to eat, are good ways to cure hangovers. Thank you big brother for informing me on something that I really don't need. Thank you.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Champions

So my choir was at a competition today, and everyone- including the judge- started crying because apparently we sang so beautifully and my teacher inspired us all. She rocks, she really does.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rip Off Nook Artists

So normally on nooks and kindles you get a saving because your not spending money on paper and shipping and all that stupid stuff. Well today, I looked at amazon at the prices on this one book, and i was going to spend $6.00 extra on nook. Now for those of you who don't think this is a lot of money, think about it when Mother's Day is coming up. Yeah. Ouch. Ripoff artists.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Boredom of the Force

I'm bored right now, so I'm wondering, what do Jedi do when their bored? My most brilliant idea yet is annoy Yoda or get Robot Chicken and fake ice shows, but that sounds boring. So, write what you think the Jedi do in their spare time. Maybe you'll end up destroying your siblings and parents in an imagination land.
On a sad note today, I have to wait about 8 days for a new book to arrive. Oh, how I mourn the days when I could just go to Borders and get a new book there, but alas, no. Also, as a side note, my brother's going to prom with his girlfriend on Friday. I hope he doesn't end up like the hundreds of teenagers who get pregnant on that night (cringe). Blog to you soon. Bye.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ridiculous Board Games

So, my science teacher has his students every year make a board game that goes over one of the books we learned from throughout the year. I decided to make mine over the Astronomy section. This was my favorite one. However, he did not tell us what to put on the chance cards that go with them. So, I would like to list some of my favorite chance cards that I made up.
  • Invented Portal Gun. Go forward 9 spaces.
  • Sang "So Long and Thanks For All the Fish".Go forward 20 spaces.
  • Destroyed brother's doomsday device. Go forward 10 spaces. 
  • Brother reinvents doomsday device. He kills you. Go back to start and wait until end of game to move.
Those are my favorites. And for those who don't know the song "So Long and Thanks For All the Fish", it' from Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Boredom and Recreational Sports

So, yesterday I went to my step-cousins birthday party. They have this trampoline in their backyard and we all got a chance to get on it. Well, when my stepmother got on, we all told her to flop down on her butt, then, when the trampoline bounced her back up, to land on her feet. She, however, did not know how to, and got ready to, then refused to. If you saw how it was that she did it though you would be laughing too. Unfortunately, I couldn't get her to give me the recording of it me and my stepbrother made. Sorry.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Destruction of the Witch Queen

I wonder if in Narnia, the Ice Witch actually felt anything or was just some psychopathic freeloader. If she was only the freeloader, than she and my brother should get together sometime. He has no empathy for any living being it seems, and the fact that he's in college and lives with my dad doesn't help his case.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Book Entrance

On my first day I may write part of my book on here, which is why I've decided now might be a good time for a good entrance to it. I can't say much about it right now, for my summary's still blurry, but let's give you at least the intro. My main three characters will all have their own openings to the book. This is the girl's part.

I don't remember how it was I died. I don't remember my name either. I don't remember who I was, or why I cared, or what my importance of being was. I just remember that I was. 
I was a being. I was alive. I was me. But most importantly, I was someone's reason for living. But in the end, aren't we all...

It's not complete or edited. However, it is my story. Tell me what you think, and what you think the story's about.

Oh, the Chocolate

So, today my brother and I got into a fight over chocolate. Why, you ask? Because I was acting like a childish moron. Not that that's any different than other kids my age. Also, at school we debated over the Dred Scott. Get this, they said the slave was not free just to spite me. It is so wrong to do that, that I thought about pouring hot cider on their heads.
In other news, my choir is performing a song for our contest called Benedicamus Domino, which is Latin for something about praising God. Problem is, it is a song meant for people 9 years ahead of me. Brilliant teach, just brilliant. My dad is skipping out on my choir concert so he can go on a trip to Utah next month. It's as if he's never there when it actually seems to matter the most. Especially since I'm part of a quintet in the song.
The only good news about my day was that I didn't interact with O-Dear religious persecuter.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Idiot of the Religious

So, today I got into a fight with a girl who I considered my friend. She is such a religious snob. According to her, all people who don't consider Jesus their savior, are automatically going to Hell.
One, I don't care what she says. If that's what she thinks, then she's already already sinned. So sweetheart, see you and your sweet little Morgan,  Garris, and Quack there.
Two, all those who believe that all those who aren't Christian are going to hell obviously don't realize that the savior was JEWISH. JEWISH. Those poor vindictive, manipulative frauds, obviously didnb't pay attention in Bible School.
And Three, your judged on what you do, not whether or not you are some stupid religion.
So my dear Liz, here's my advice to you :

Shut up, listen, and actually have some common sense for once in your life.
Of course, it's not like she actually listen, because everytime I speak, all she thinks is your wrong, your wrong, your wrong. So in the end what's the point in trying. After all, I'm pretty sure in her opinion I'm not worth a load of crap. Whatever, if she wants to block out everything I say let her. After all I'M NOT WORTH IT.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Look up on youtube animal beatbox. It's this video that one first place in this competition in Austrailia. Also, there is a poll at the bottom of this page, and your welcome to respond to it.

Home and Boredom

So, my brothers are down stairs playing video games. Sometimes I think that his brain has been fried by aliens. Or government controlled brain experiments. Anyway, Portal 2 has just come out and I've got Cake is a Lie stuck in my mind. This happens to make me think of my brother, who when was supposed to reasons down for his band teacher to for becoming section leader, put unquenchable thirst for power. Why, you ask. Because he's a nut job. I love him anyway though.
Anyway, I loved this movie so I thought I'd bring it to my blog. See you soon.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Day

So a few things you may want to know about me:
  • I speak English.
  • I am obsessed with books.
  • I am middle class, so don't expect anything glamorous.
  • I am a singer.
  • I want a be a journalist someday.
Also, I love the rain. Since I do want to be an author, every now and then I may write a poem or part a short story. Don't get your hopes up if I forget though. So sit back and join my life.

Reasons for Living

Hello, and welcome to my new blog. For privacy reasons, I'm not going to say what my real name is, however if you must speak to me, my name is either Echo or Grace. These names I've picked out because they represent me.